Where is the lack felt? In fact, there is a growing gap between supply and demand in the market for high-skille and low-skille personnel. That is, there is a lack of employees with special knowlege, skills, qualifications, soft-skills, while there are more and more people with low qualifications, and it is they who are on the verge of unemployment. This applies to both develope and developing economies. a 2012 McKinsey Global Institute study not much has change since then and it is still cite as an illustration of the current state of the labor market.
There Are 38-40 Million Fewer
Than the market requires. There are 90-95 million more low-skille personnel in the labor market than the market requires. The situation is aggravate by the fact that the population in many India WhatsApp Number List countries – in Russia and even, for example, in China – is aging, reucing the supply from the labor market. According to Rosstat, 24% of Russians are pensioners. At the same time, in the young developing economies – Africa, South Asia – the supply of the young population is growing.
Workers With Higher Eucation In The Market
Thus, employers offer jobs that require specific knowlege, skills, and industry-specific competencies that most of the population does not have. So the gap is growing. What are these qualities? We will name only the general ones for all industries high intellectual abilities communication KOB Directory skills the ability to work with large amounts of information and make decisions base on them.