Home » Ready, set, grow! This is how you apply growth marketing in marketing funnels

Ready, set, grow! This is how you apply growth marketing in marketing funnels

Dave McClure’s Pirate Funnel. Google’s See, Think, Do, Care model. Or Elmo Lewis’ age-old AIDA model… Open a marketing book and you’ll find at least one of these funnel models. And that’s not surprising, because it pays to time the moment, the message and the target group well with your marketing.

The common denominator of all these beautiful funnels? They only really work if you apply growth marketing! Why? I would like to share my thoughts about that with you.

Growth marketing and marketing funnels
Okay, first a little disclaimer: growth marketing and marketing funnels are not the same thing . A marketing funnel is one part of your growth marketing strategy. But, growth marketing consists of much more than just a marketing funnel. “Every chimpanzee is a monkey, but not…” You get the idea.

Let’s delve a little deeper into both terms before moving on to their concrete applications.

Growth marketing: a mindset
Growth marketing is the continuous analysis and optimization of existing marketing activities, linked to data. You can see it as a repetitive process of:

Analyzing data  What does the existing data tell you?

Collecting ideas . How do you ensure that you improve the analyzed data?
Prioritize . Which ideas are you going to roll out first?
Testing and validating . You apply the ideas and validate whether your expectation is correct.
Evaluate . What is the final result of the above actions?
Growth Marketing model from Huray
Growth Marketing model – Huray

Growth marketing is as much a strategy as it is a marketing mindset.

Based on all the marketing activities you continue to philippines email list 3 million contact leads perform and the opportunities you spot, the intention is that you will continue to grow. Growth marketing , that is.

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Marketing Funnels: The Fun of Funnels

Working towards the set goal in phases. That is in a what is a marketing claim and what are its characteristics? nutshell what you do with a marketing funnel. And believe me, if your elaborated funnel is successful, then the fun can begin!

There are numerous (marketing) funnels. The ones that alb directory will ring a bell first:

AIDA . “Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.”
STDC . “See, Think, Do, Care.”
AAARR / Pirate Funnel . “Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral.”
One funnel works from left to right. The other from top to bottom. But basically every funnel is almost the same:

Start very broadly by making your brand stand out.
Make sure your target audience interacts with your brand, in whatever form.
Focus on converting the target group into an interesting lead/customer.

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