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4 Ideas to Boost Your Campaigns’ Performance

Do too many emails kill email? The answer is yes: too many emails will hurt your KPIs. Constantly solicited by advertisers, Internet users are overwhelmed by torrents Boost Your Campaigns of messages. As a result, the visibility of email campaigns, no matter how carefully designed, suffers.

It’s no longer enough to know your phone number search saudi arabia prospect list to make your email campaign stand out from the crowd. So how do you effectively capture the attention of your target audience?

A metaphor to guide you…

It’s all about finding the right shoe for them

It’s like having too much clutter in your wardrobe. Your communication strategy needs to be fine-tuned to constantly adapt to the changing target audience and their expectations. In other words, it needs to be tailor-made…

So let your inner Cristina shine and opt for the ABC of email marketing makeovers: email A/B testing.

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It is simply THE solution to better target the type of email that will appeal to your recipients. How to do it? It is not about adopting a Brazilian accent and sending “my goodness.” No, A/B email testing consists of sending, at the same time, at least two versions of the same message to Internet users with a similar profile. Here’s how it works.

The Principle of Effectiveness of A/B Email Testing

Performing an A/B test on an email is quite simple. You create two or three versions of the same message by modifying a single variable. For example, the subject line, the image, the original copywriting techniques for your newsletter CTA button, the wording…

To test effective variations and shades, here are the questions that should guide stylist apprentices in their emails:

Why did we try this variation?In Cordula language, this means:

Why does blue suit blondes better?

What lessons do we hope to learn from this?or “Will most H-shaped people fall into slim fits?
What impact does this nuance dhekelia leads have on the performance of this email? In French-Brazilian, it would be “Magnifaïque! A simple scarf can double the sales of the same outfit.”
As you can see, you need to test all the components of an email to see how effective it is. In the end, some of them will be more appealing to your subscribers. The point to remember is this: every variation is worth testing, no matter how small.

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