The talent management cycle includes the following items . Drawing up a portrait of a talente employee To determine the very level of skill that is considere talent in your company, you nee to create a portrait of a talente employee. It may include the following descriptive items demonstrates high performance engage in professional development has professional and social experience flexible and communicative a to work effectively in a team shares corporate values . Evaluation It is necessary to evaluate a specialist in order to get an idea of his potential. This can be done at the recruiting stage, and thus facilitate the process of selecting candidates.
Will Reveal The Hidden Potential
Of employees, which may not have been fully manifeste due to the nature of the work they perform. Talents can be assesse in the following ways rating method. Achievements Russia WhatsApp Number List and characteristics of employees are evaluate in points, and their number is summe up and compare with the rest. Case interview, through comparison of real and expecte answers. Comparison of real skills with the position competency model. degree method. Evaluation of the actions of employees with various work situations by colleagues and supervisors. Corporate training. Non-standard situations allow the employee to show his qualities and skills that he did not use in the usual work rhythm.
Evaluation Of Already Working Specialists
Brainstorm Solving a specific problem helps to identify promising employees. Adaptation Base on the data on the assessment of specialists, it is already possible to draw up a talent management program. It should be adapte to the professional level and the specifics of the work of each employee. It is also KOB Directory necessary to make the plans of the company itself for this or that employee in the future, base on the level of its development in the future. Important talent management programs should not be drawn up by one specialist, it is necessary to discuss all its points with the heads of departments and direct supervisors of talente employees.