Home » Is your brand truly inclusive? Mastercard’s lesson on accessibility

Is your brand truly inclusive? Mastercard’s lesson on accessibility

Gabriela Crego

Nov 11, 21 | 5 min read
mastercard accessibility
Reading time: 4 minutes
Today more than ever, the business world understands the importance of promoting an inclusive culture and the positive impact this has on the world and on business. Companies are increasingly looking to create inclusive products and services, so that everyone can purchase, use, understand and enjoy them.

Successful CEOs and leaders care about their branding being purpose-driven to drive performance. They may wonder how to embed that into the DNA of the company. All types of companies, no matter their size, can start by taking responsibility, prioritizing it, and working together to achieve it.

This is reflected in Mastercard’s latest payment product. Touch Card, an initiative aimed at demonstrating that inclusion is not only good for society, but also good for business.

To be effective, you have to solve real-world challenges

Recently, Mastercard announced Touch Cards. A new design that helps visually impaired people orient their bank card and quickly determine whether they are using a credit, debit or prepaid card, all thanks to one simple design element.

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According to Mastercard’s website, the design relies on. A system of notches — small marks carved into the side of each type of card — to help consumers identify the correct one:

Credit cards have a round notch.
Debit cards have a wide square notch.
Prepaid cards have a triangular notch.
The standard has been designed to work within POS terminals and ATMs, ensuring the idea can be implemented at scale.

Mastercard worked with The Royal National Institute of Blind People in the UK and VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired in the US to ensure. The solution was effective.

In addition, the team ruled out the use of Braille as an option on the card surface because only one in ten blind people can read Braille.

Having the right partners and paying list of marshall islands consumer email attention to the real needs of customers are two fundamental steps in a company’s quest to incorporate inclusive values.

For companies to be able to solve real-world challenges, solutions need to be truly effective. It can be simple, it doesn’t have to be complex, but it has to be effective.

It must be part of the company’s DNA

In June 2019, Mastercard also introduced. True Name. Which allows the transgender and nonbinary community to choose the name that appears on their cards without the need for a legal name change.

According to Raja Rajamannar, Mastercard’s chief marketing and communications officer, “We have a responsibility to ensure that the digital economy is enabled for everyone.”

For it to have a real impact, it must be integrated. Into the DNA of companies and shared with many areas so that everyone is working in the same direction.

The efforts being made by global corporations can impact challenges around the world, from fighting hunger and health crises to global warming and accessibility.

It’s good for business too.

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Accessibility is also a smart business decision

According to Braille Works , inclusive practices can be good for everyone, and including more people in your business can give you access to a larger pool of potential customers.

There are many benefits associated with inclusion that go beyond legal protections, such as helping society become better, building relationships what is the long tail in marketing and how does it affect your strategy? with the community, and knowing your customers’ preferences.

Additionally, 63% of consumers surveyed in an Accenture study said they preferred to purchase products from brands with a specific purpose.

Companies that invest in giving meaning to their products/services and in the transparency of their commitments improve competitiveness.

How did this action attract the attention. Of many people, including myself?
I am responsible for Rock.org, the social impact arm of Rock Content, and for that reason, I love following the trends in social impact, diversity and inclusion that are happening in the market.

At Rock Content, we aim to improve students. Skills in Digital Marketing and Sales. We want learning opportunities to be accessible to everyone. To date, we have positively impacted more than 50,000 people in socioeconomically vulnerable conditions bw lists through courses, tutoring, and volunteering actions.

It is inspiring to see many companies, from different segments and sizes, working towards a better and more inclusive world.

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