These days, it seems like there is nothing that mobile devices can’t do. One of their most popular uses has become as a travel tool, and the tendency. Market researcher predicts of consumers to make reservations for flights and hotels on their phones and tablets doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, a recent report conducted by tourism and hospitality market researcher phocuswright revealed that mobile travel bookings will triple between 2012 and 2014 and become a $25.8 billion industry.
The findings concluded that in 2012
Percent of mobile web users paid for hotel rooms or plane tickets on their smartphone. This figure represented a 26 percent increase from 2011. Interestingly enough, upwards of 80 percent of consumers looked at maps and directions telemarketing leads for sale using their cell phone and more than 50 percent looked up information on popular destinations.
“Everyone knows mobile activity is booming, but it’s hard for companies to know. Market researcher predicts where they stand when growth rates are so high,” said senior analyst and director of communications at phocuswright cathy schetzin. “In fact, mobile bookings will increase so quickly over the next two years that a 40% growth rate can mean you’re falling behind.
For more information or to purchase the whole report click here
If you work in the travel or hospitality industry, your company should take advantage of this mobile travel trend. Internet advertising KOB Directory agencies like key media solutions can work. With you to create an app for smartphones or tablets and even. Organize a pay-per-click banner ad campaign for consumers so you can expand your business.
Knotice revealed that 41 percent of advertising Market researcher predicts emails were. Read on mobile devices during the second half of 2012, a figure that represented. A 14 percent increase from 2011 and a 28 percent jump from the final. Months of 2010. Analysts for the company predict that if the trend. Continues, upwards of 50 percent of commercial emails will. Be opened on smartphones and tablets by the end of the year.