As consumers have become more technologically savvy, shopping has become one of the most popular ways they use their smartphones. A Shows increasing trend recent study conducted by global wi-fi hotspot directory jiwire showed that individuals aren’t just browsing online stores from their homes or while at work. Analysts concluded that people, especially women, use their cell phones inside businesses to look for current deals and to surf brick-and-mortar retailer’s internet sites.
The research demonstrated that females have
A tendency to rely on their cell phones for searching for bargains while shopping outside the home, talking with pals and browsing Shows increasing trend comparable items sold at a cheaper price. Males were likely to read product reviews and check out out a retailer’s web site.
Jiwire also discovered that consumers phone lists typically use their mobile devices when they are in the market for electronics and clothes. Interestingly enough, respondents said that free wi-fi would have an impact on where they shop.
Another study conducted by the interactive advertising bureau
Demonstrated that although 42 percent of individuals who used their phones while shopping ended up doing the buying online, almost Shows increasing trend as many, 30 percent, chose to purchase the item in-store. Tablets tended to be more prevalent in hotels and airports, while smartphones were favored in restaurants and malls. Of the more than 70 percent of people who already owned one tablet, but not an ipad, said that they planned on purchasing one in the near future.
If you own a business and want to KOB Directory capitalize Shows increasing trend on this trend, then consider contacting a real time advertising firm that can target consumers using various factors, including age and location. You may also want the reputable agency that you work with to assist you with optimizing your website for mobile, organizing pay-per-click campaigns and redesigning your internet site.
During the fourth quarter of 2012, online spending by businesses reached $10.3 billion, which is demonstrative of an almost 15 percent increase from 2011. For the third quarter, enterprises spent 11.6 percent more than they did in 2011.