At the time indicate earlier, all candidates for the position of payroll accountant passe it. How it was each of the testees took the test online for minutes on the Finassessment portal under the control of administrators. They observe the candidate himself using a webcam, and also followe the process of passing the test through the “screen capture” function. This prevente participants from using cheat sheets and other reference materials for scoring during testing and rule out the falsification of results. Processing and results Standard test results from the service are provide in the form of charts with the percentage.
Of Correct And Incorrect Answers
Also accompanie by a review from the service expert. the data obtaine during the testing and presente a review base on them with a detaile analysis of the competencies of each test participant, as well as recommendations on the best candidate for the position. Test Data The test data showe the following a Tunisia WhatsApp Number List candidate with eight years of experience receive the highest score on the Payroll Accounting test. Theoretical part – correct answers, practical – correct answers. an accountant with five years of experience demonstrate a fairly high level of theoretical knowlege.
The Theoretical And Practical Parts
But not all practical tasks were within his power – accountants with three years of experience turne out to be low-skille in matters of payroll accounting and receive and correct answers for theory, and for practice. In addition to these data, we propose to the management of the customer company KOB Directory to conduct another online test among the leading candidates to determine the personality psychotype according to Myers-Briggs. This made it possible to evaluate their personal qualities and check how well both specialists correspond to their corporate culture. Base on the psychological test data, the customer opte for the second candidate.