Home » The truly miraculous effect of 3 consecutive words

The truly miraculous effect of 3 consecutive words

In the title The truly  and also in this sentence effective, amazing and practical psychological principles are used. The use of three consecutive words. A pattern of three elements, something that makes our brains understand and store information easily.

In advertising, using 3 consecutive words adds to the power of the message.

Just do it (Nike)
Du Pain, Du Vin, Du Boursin (Cheese)
Deliciously clear Heineken. (Beer)
In the last example, all three words begin with the same letter, a nice example of alliteration. The effect is even more powerful because of this.

How can ChatGPT help you with this effect?
When you create a new text, start by adding this prompt to your other prompts:

“Use the power of three as three consecutive words in the text”

You can add to the prompt once or twice, depending on the length of the text. Don’t use this principle too often in the text. ChatGPT will now search for words itself.

For three consecutive words with the same letter, use this prompt:


“Use the power of three as three consecutive words in the text. The three consecutive words all start with the same letter.”

I asked ChatGPT to write a marketing text about the newest infrared sauna in this way. In it, ChatGPT made this sentence: “While conventional saunas only heat the outer layer, this innovation goes further. Deep, direct and effective.”

The Von Restorff Effect
This effect describes a technique to subconsciously influence you through a design, image or text. This can be done by presenting a choice differently, writing ‘most sold’ with a subscription or making the shape and colour of this element stand out. In a text such as supermarket, zoo, drugstore, clothing store, ‘zoo’ will stand out. It is not a store unlike the rest.

To use the Von Restorff effect in a marketing text in combination with three consecutive words, choose a word that has a different meaning than the other two words. Preferably, take the middle word and let it stand out. Make sure that the word has a positive meaning in the sentence and does not deviate too much.

In the text: “While conventional saunas only heat the outer layer, this innovation goes further. Deep, direct and effective”. These words describe the properties of the infrared sauna. Deep netherlands email List 6 million contact leads and direct fit best together. To get a word with a Von Restorff effect, use this prompt:

“While conventional saunas only heat the outer layer, this innovation goes further. Deep, effective and direct. Replace the word effective with a word with a von Restorff effect. A word that gives a positive meaning to the sentence. Give 10 versions.”

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Also read: ChatGPT & Cialdini: ultimate combination for persuasive texts

ChatGPT creates ten sentences containing the glocal: how to boost your brand globally and locally at the same time ten new words.

You choose the strongest word yourself or give it promptly after it aleart news has completed the ten sentences.

“Which 3 versions have the strongest von Restorff effect in the sentence.”

ChatGPT came up with these words, among others: surprising, sensational and astonishing.

Cialdini’s Principles of Influence
Robert Cialdini, the renowned American authority on influence, has written several insightful books on the subject. Like you and many others, t.

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