This Skill Is Also Require For Most Jobs

Self-organization This is the first and most important skill that experts identifie 96% of the time. It lies in self-control, the ability to control oneself, in time management and the ability to clearly prioritize. This skill is fundamental not only for financial directors, but also for the vast majority of specialties and positions. 2. Personal responsibility “This is the ability to take responsibility for one’s own actions and misdees,” Vasily says. This quality is in demand in 76% of situations that arise during the working day.

Even When A Person

For his own work. He is not responsible for anyone else, as is the case with leaders. Because the requirement for their personal responsibility is even much higher they nee to be responsible for themselves and for that guy.” 3. Focus Brazil WhatsApp Number List on  achieving goals. This is the ability to identify and prioritize actions on the way to achieving the goal. 4. Teamwork The ability not only to distribute roles and responsibilities among subordinates, but also to be part of this properly functioning mechanism.

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Responsible Only For Himself

A team consists of specialists unite by a common goal to achieve it. The financial director must be able to establish communication with other employees, not provoke conflict situations and not put his own interests above the team.Flexibility 4. Flexibility KOB Directory This is by no means the ability to curry favor with everyone. And the ability to adapt to the variability of the world. There are new technologies, new values, new people. These changes should not affect the adequacy of decisions made by the financial director. 

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