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Clean up your cloud & 4 other tips to work faster and more sustainably

Clean up your cloud & 4 other tips to work faster and more sustainably
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Did you know that you can make your marketing activities more sustainable and work faster, safer and cheaper to achieve better results? Think of lower costs, time savings and better marketing performance. A win-win-win situation! In this blog I will give you five tips to work on marketing faster, more sustainably, more safely and cheaper as a marketer.

This article uses as little jargon as possible, so that it can be understood by marketers of all levels. The tips are relatively simple in nature, but the implementation is therefore also simple. In this way, the threshold for making your marketing sustainable is made as low as possible.

Compress your website code and images

2. Clean up your cloud
3. Use power saving mode and lock your laptop
4. Clean up your mailing list
5. Repurpose valuable content
1. Compress your website code and images
If a website contains a lot of code, it has to be downloaded continuously by your visitors. This costs data traffic, which of course has to be processed in data centers. A website that contains maldives email list 53359 contact leads less code uses less data traffic and therefore less power.

An additional benefit of less code on your website is that your website becomes faster. This of course has a positive effect on your user experience. Did you know, for example, that 1 in 4 people leaves a website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load?

Amazon once conducted a study on the impact of loading speed on their own conversion rate. They concluded that if the loading speed of every web page increased by just one second, they would lose a whopping $1.6 billion in revenue. Phew!

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Increase the loading speed of your website

Fortunately, increasing the loading speed of your what is a sem campaign and how does it work in digital marketing? website is not difficult. First, start by purchasing good web hosting from a reliable provider . Avoid the cheaper parties in particular. The following also applies here: cheap is expensive. After all, cheap hosting is cheap for a reason. Most aleart news websites use ‘shared hosting’. As the name suggests, in that case you share a server with many other websites. As a result, there are actually just a few too many websites on the same server, which means you have to share loading speed with others. Think of it as a highway. If there are only three cars driving on it, it goes smoothly, but during rush hour you almost come to a standstill because of a traffic jam.


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