Smart robotic HR platforms will soon forever change the lives of company employees and our ideas about working with them. Smart robotic HR platforms Recently, MTS began to provide the services of its corporate university in the external market, thanks to which I actively communicate with colleagues from various industries and have a fairly broad idea of how key HR processes are organize in companies of completely different sizes and profiles. This allows me not only to evaluate international experience, but also to compare.
It With The Experience
To the practice of MTS. So, the five most important trends in the development of HR technologies, which we will see in the near future. free master class We recommend watching a free master class 7 digital tools that will simplify the work and life Belarus WhatsApp Number List of the HR department 1. Big Data and analytics as the basis of new HR management Definitely Big Data is the most hype topic in terms of digitalization. Companies are looking for solutions to optimize HR processes and reuce costs base on big data.
Of Russian Business Not Limite
This topic is especially close to me, because we at MTS are now actively experimenting with this area, trying to find the most effective ways to use our data analysis capabilities, including from the point of view of HR tasks. big data So, we are running a KOB Directory pilot project that will allow, by analyzing public data about a person. his digital footprint and past experience, without the participation of a recruiter, to assess the potential and hire the best candidates. to receive automatic recommendations about moving employees to areas where they can show the maximum business result.