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What is a marketing claim and what are its characteristics?

We consider that there is a marketing claim when we have a statement about a company, brand or product. There are many ways to structure the marketing claim of a product or service.

Rock Content Editor

Oct 28, 21 | 5 min read
claim marketing
Reading time: 4 minutes
The average user has a shorter attention span than a goldfish — although, to be fair, most goldfish don’t have smartphones — which makes marketing and sales strategies difficult.

So how do you choose one, two, or maybe three lines that will win them over so quickly? This is achieved with a good claim marketing strategy .

For marketers this means we have about 3 seconds

to convince consumers that they need to buy the product or acquire our services.

And, precisely to help you know how to recognize a good marketing claim, and how to do it, we have prepared this content.

Come on, don’t stop reading!

What is a claim in marketing?
3 types of claim marketing: How do they impact the consumer?
What are the differences between claim, slogan and tagline?
3 tips for creating a good marketing claim
What is a claim in marketing?
A marketing claim is any statement we swaziland email list 150000 contact leads make about our organization, brand or product, through any channel.

It may appear in traditional marketing or advertising, digital promotions, public statements, or even on product packaging.

There are multiple ways to structure these connotations about a product or service, including:

superlatives : “We are the best!”
proof points : “We are made of 99% of X ingredient!”
simple statements : “We do it, so don’t worry, you’re in good hands!”
3 types of claim marketing: How do they impact the consumer?
In short, any type of marketing claim can be grouped into 3 main types of benefits for the consumer , each with its own commercial objective. These are:

1. Category Controller
This first class is based on explaining the benefit of the entire product category .

At the most basic level, they detail why people need to purchase it, and because they communicate a “basic” consumer need, they don’t change much over time or vary by location.

The primary goals of category-driving product claims are to educate, reassure, or develop new classifications.

This is how companies that are doing something new explain what they offer and why people need it.

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2. Category differentiation

A category differentiation marketing claim works when we are the industry leaders or we are looking to break into the market ; therefore, they are based on differentiating the brand from the competition.

They answer the question: “Why should you choose our brand over all others?”

This is why we seek to showcase unique and relevant benefits here.

Potential consumer concerns must also be addressed and help justify why retailers should put more of our product on their shelves.

3. Contextual statements
A contextual marketing claim goes a what is the long tail in marketing and how does it affect your strategy? little beyond the “what” and the “why”, and delves into the “how”, “where” and “when” .

In this case, they are responsible for covering topics relevant to countries, distribution channels, retailers, seasons or current events specific to a certain type of buyer personas.

They often take advantage of the hype of the moment or the unique environment in which they do their digital advertising.

In this sense, they are more timely. Maybe it’s cold season, or it’s almost time for the Super Bowl, or the city is experiencing a heat wave.

They are usually temporary, but are based on strengths.

What are the differences between claim, slogan and tagline?
These three concepts are often cz lists confused, and the line between them is very thin. However, there are differences between them.

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