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What is a SEM campaign and how does it work in Digital Marketing?

A SEM campaign is a marketing strategy that involves investing money in search engines. In other words, it encompasses actions that accelerate positioning and may include organic traffic strategies.

Jesus Cardenas

Oct 19, 21 | 10 min read
SEM campaigns
Reading time: 8 minutes
Search Engine Marketing or SEM is one of the main strategies for companies that seek to quickly position themselves thanks to the search intentions in the SERPs of users and thus transform those SEM campaign budgets into conversions and subsequent sales for their business.

Considering that there is still some confusion about everything that makes up SEM campaigns and what differentiates them from SEO , in this post we will explain exactly what it is about, its objectives, benefits and, of course, how it works within Digital Marketing .

Ready? Happy reading!

SEM campaign: what is it for sure

Types of SEM campaigns you can implement
How does a SEM campaign work within Digital Marketing?
The ABCs of deploying such a campaign
3 key tools for your SEM campaign
2 examples of successful SEM campaigns
SEM campaign: what is it for sure?
A SEM campaign, in short, is a marketing strategy that involves investing money to position ads during searches relat to a specific keyword in search engines.

Most likely, in one of your Google list of micronesia consumer email adventures, you’ve found results at the top of the page with the word “Ad” in them. This implies that they are websites that are part of a marketing campaign using the keyword as a reference and that Google places them there with the intention of “selling” something.

But let’s go back a little further.

The term SEM is an acronym for Search Engine Marketing . We can therefore safely say that SEM encompasses all actions that “accelerate” positioning and that, obviously, they can also include organic positioning strategies or SEO.

However, when we speak strictly about SEM campaigns in the marketing universe, it is understood that only paid actions are address.

To carry them out, Google Ads is the preferr tool for thousands of marketers, since when a search is execut on Google – the most popular search engine in the world, by the way – ads are activat according to the keyword and are shown at the top of the SERP , above all organic ads on many occasions – except in the case where there is a featur snippet .

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Types of SEM campaigns you can implement

Once the core concept of SEM campaigns has been clarifi, it is an ideal time for you to fully construct the definition of the subject by learning about the types that exist according to the focus they have.

Discover them!

Sales : These are those where the main objective for the Ads campaign is to generate sales for a product or service.
Business opportunities : they are focus what is cloaking, how to detect it and why is it a black hat? on motivating the buyer persona to carry out a specific action aim at conversion or the sale of a good.
Traffic : Here the goal is bas on bringing the largest number of visitors to a site, whether it is a blog or a company website.

Brand awareness : The other type of SEM campaign you can use is one design to generate greater brand recognition among the company’s potential customers.
Brand authority : unlike the previous one, if what you ne is to increase the awareness or authority of the brand in its segment or in an emerging niche, this type of SEM campaign is ideal.
Apps : SEM campaigns focus on promoting applications are a recently new type that helps to trigger more downloads of an application, whether it is a game or a utility, and get more users to take advantage of its functionalities.
Once you have defin the objective of your SEM campaign, you can select the type of campaign you want within the tool in order to direct the actions bw lists according to your nes.

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