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What is a website footer and how to use it?

The footer has the function of compiling a series of data that may have gone unnoticed on the page. In this way, we can find many elements in the footer, each referring to a different content unit.

Rock Content Editor

Oct 19, 21 | 10 min read
Reading time: 8 minutes
Until recently, the footer or bottom part of a website was a fairly simple and underdeveloped component. Over time, companies have understood that this sector is essential to optimize the usability of the site and, consequently, the user experience .

To understand the relevance of the footer

it is worth considering the following situation: a user enters a website with the intention of finding information about a company’s return policy, as they wish to purchase a product from the brand.

As you scroll down, you don’t find what you’re looking for until you reach the footer and finally get the information you so desperately need. This information gives you enough confidence to corroborate the brand’s reliability and thus, purchase its solution.

Note that in this case, the footer has been essential for the consumer to satisfy their consumption need and the company will increase its sales. And this happens more often than you imagine!

That said, it is clear that when creating a website it is essential to structure a footer with elements that actually add value and are useful for the user. But how can we develop it with excellence?

If you have entered our post looking for this answer

congratulations, you have come to the right place!

In this content, you will find abundant information on the following points:
pay attention to each of its parts, including the lower portion .
As for the latter, it is an extremely important space to reinforce data about a company and provide valuable information to the visitor. This is called the footer !

Known in Spanish as a footer, the footer list of palau consumer email is aimed at compiling a series of data that may have gone unnoticed on the page .

Likewise, this space must present a pleasant design and include interesting information for the public to see, such as:

corporate social networks ;
contact and/or subscription form;
business operating hours;
links of interest;
Privacy Policy .
In this way, within a page we can find several footer elements , however, each one refers to a different content unit.

It is important to keep in mind that, in order to achieve the expected objective, this component should include only essential data that really resolves the doubts of visitors, thus avoiding turning it into a set of heavy images and unnecessary text.

list of palau consumer email

Footer design : Points to keep in mind

It has links similar to a small navigation bar, located at the bottom of the web page and with very small letters.
A permanent part of the site, meaning all pages have the same footer . Respecting the design convention is essential to ensure good usability.
Very well differentiated from the rest of the page through different resources such as typography, division elements and background color .
In the HTML 5 structure, it is defined with the opening tag < footer > and the closing tag </ footer > .
Under the “infinite scroll” system , we can add a floating footer.
In mobile apps, the footer information is kept hidden.
It has secondary links related to the brand, such as social media profiles and pages or legal notices.
Types of footers

Fixed footer: Refers to the component learn 71 important terms from the seo dictionary and how to implement them in your optimization strategy that always appears at the bottom of a site’s pages. It consists of a permanently visible footer.
Floating footer: Widely used on infinite scroll pages , it gathers essential information for users, thus preventing them from taking too long to reach the end of the page.
Hidden Footer: Recommended component for pages that use the viewpoint height as their maximum height, frequently used in mobile, web, and SaaS applications .
What is it for?
At the beginning of our post, we used as an bw lists example a successful case in which a user manages to find the data in the footer , but what if the opposite happened?

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