If A Candidate Is Not Suitable For This Vacancy

The professionalism of a recruiter is not to lower the candidate’s self-esteem. he may become an ideal applicant for another. Or become a great employee in another company. A recruiter should always remain objective, and even if he does not like a candidate or does not fit the company in terms of values ​​or personal qualities, you should not show it with your facial expression. Crown And communication with the candidate from top to bottom. Lack of initiative There are no relevant resumes, so the search was not set. Instead of looking elsewhere, bring up references and help the hiring manager reuce the criteria.

In My Practice There Were Cases

For a vacancy, but had such qualities and motivation that he fit perfectly into the job. Due to the fact that the recruiter was able to prove in his company that it is worth giving a person a chance. Such limitations in thinking often wee out candidates even at the resume level, preventing the person and the company UAE WhatsApp Number List from finding each other. These are the main mistakes I’ve come across. I can’t say that they are very critical, but it depends on such nuances that a person will tell his friends and colleagues about the company. After all, that’s what employer branding is, isn’t it But there were interviews in my practice and they were very impressive. One day, a hiring manager suggeste that I read a book.

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When A Candidate Did Not Fit The Formal Criteria

The book turne out to be really interesting. Since then, we periodically communicate with him, he turns to me for advice or I turn to him. Once the interview was so deep and professional that it seeme to me that the interviewer knows and sees me better than I see and know myself. By the end of the interview, she aske me the question “What are your impressions of the interview ” And after several interviews, I remaine in KOB Directory warm friendly relations with the people who conducte them. Now we periodically cooperate. On the other hand, you can criticize and talk endlessly about such an unnecessary profession of a recruiter. But think about it, would you like to spend your time searching for candidates, especially if you are a business owner.

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