This Should Become One Of The Key Values

The situation is the same in companies with lost control, where subordinates are left to their own devices and no one takes care of them *. One of the prerequisites for the effective work of development programs is innovation , or the desire of the employees themselves to develop. ​​of the company. Development means not only advance training or innovation, but also the desire of an employee to build a career and try himself in new areas of activity. It is very important that this value is share by the entire management team.

Take The Situation A Good Performer

To work in another department, for example, in a branch of a company in another country. How to respond to his leader? After all, if the performer gets the desire job, then Latvia WhatsApp Number List he will have to select a new subordinate, bring him up to date. Difficulties, of course, will be. But if the leader really shares corporate values, then he will support the performer in his desire to develop. This approach is considere the norm at Atlas Copco and many international companies.

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Announces That He Wants To Move

Example The production holding Saint-Gobain spends a lot of money training employees who want to change positions within the company, and sometimes that means the country. In Russia, managers and specialists can move, for example, from the Isolation division to the Gypsum Building KOB Directory Systems division. And if an employee expresses a desire to completely change the profile of activity and has the necessary basic training, then the company often meets him halfway, developing an individual training program.

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